Miles going nowhere….

Well, it’s official. Steven Miles is an arrogant clown, whose Labor Party will be easily beaten by David Crisafulli’s LNP Opposition come the October 2024 state election.

That’s now the clear outcome regardless of who Labor had picked to replace Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and we are grateful to Sky News Australia for bringing us this news.

And it’s all because Sky News Australia turned to the right people to critique Labor’s leadership change and its chances of a fourth term. They were Pauline Hanson of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation and Jarrad Bleijie, deputy leader of the above-mentioned LNP opposition.

If the bitter and twisted old hacks who compile the MGH have this right – and it’s quite right – the catalyst for their faux outrage can basically be boiled down to this: how dare a Premier they despise serve a near-record term and then opt for party renewal and then because that party has to go through the process of selecting her successor, the whole messy business is somehow spoiling Christmas and that cyclone up north could easily intensify as a result!

We salute Sky News for finding these two critics. There will be more as Sky News ploughs on with its own particular brand of quality and objective journalism in the 10 months left before the state poll. Ditto for News Queensland, the commercial TV stations and the Nine radio shock jocks, with the ABC sadly incapable of not following their lead to some sad extend.

Poor Steven Miles doesn’t have a chance, right? Goofy looking bugger, isn’t he? Not really leadership material. Those times he was the Palaszczuk government’s attack dog will come back to haunt him. Not a match for David Crisafulli when you think about it. Three terms were three too many really. Time to give coal mining companies a break from those royalty hikes that are costing so many jobs.

No, the Media Glass House almost feels sorry for Miles, especially given the sad reality that we now have fixed four-year-terms in the Sunshine State.

Surely, he must see the writing that these two gifted political heavyweights in Hanson and Bleijie have so succinctly and brilliantly scrawled on the Sky News Australia paywall – and this is only the beginning, folks! – and if he could, the sensible thing would be to call an immediate election once he’s sworn in as Premier and let Crisafulli and Co. begin the daunting task of cleaning up almost nine years of state Labor mess!

Right, all the political writers at The Courier-Mail and Sunday Mail and in James Campbell’s office in Melbourne? Right, all the politics scribes at Nine, Seven and 10? Hi, Hi, Tim! Right, Peter Gleeson and others at 4BC? Ready to follow their lead, Aunty?

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