Federal Police arrest Vikki Campion


Australian Federal Police (AFP) have this morning arrested columnist Vikki Campion (far right and middle of main picture above) and two other senior News Crap Australia executives.

An AFP spokesperson said the arrests followed publication of Ms Campion’s weekly column in Saturday’s edition of New Crap Australia’s Sydney turdbloid The Daily Telegraph.

Others arrested were Daily Telegraph editor Ben English (far right and left in main picture) and CEO of News Crap Australia, Michael Miller (far right and far right in main picture).

“Mr English has been arrested under anti-hate speech laws for allowing the publication of the headline on the second item in Ms Campion’s column (below),” the spokesperson said.

“The AFP alleges that the headline incites hatred and division in the Australian community by suggesting that the Labor Party literally ‘hates’ Australian fruit farmers.

“At a time many people in public life are trying their hardest to inject honesty and civility into our public debates, News Crap Australia foments division by making it acceptable to publish slurs suggesting a group of Australians – namely the Albanese Government – actually hates another group – fruit farmers.

“Ms Campion’s column blamed the federal Labor Party government of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for large supermarkets like Coles and Woolies preferring to stock cheaper imported canned fruit over locally grown products and the Telegraph resorted to a hate-filled headline to summarise the point she is making.

“The AFP recognises that Ms Campion would not have written the headline which is why we have arrested Mr English as the person directly responsible for editorial content.”

The AFP spokesperson said Mr Miller had been arrested and charged with fraud offences for claiming in his Wednesday address to the National Press Club that News Crap Australia wanted to tackle social ills such as hate speech, yet had done nothing to rein in the divisive and vindictive editorial content such as the headline on Ms Campion’s column piece.

When asked what charges Ms Campion was facing, the AFP spokesperson said that she too would be charged with fraud as well as offences under consumer protection laws.

“In particular she will face a specific fraud charge because in her column piece about fruit processing she deliberately ignored the fact that the Liberal and National Parties had been in office for almost a decade before Labor won the 2022 election, yet did nothing to tackle the problem she now complains about,” the spokesperson said.

“She’ll also face a second charge under consumer protection laws for repeatedly misleading readers into thinking that her columns are original thoughts rather than warmed up recycled National Party talking points,” the AFP spokesperson said.

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