Nine News Queensland editors sacked!


The executive producer and news editor at Nine News Queensland have both been personally sacked by Nine Entertainment Co. chair Peter Costello over their “gross and unforgivable derelictions of duty.”

Both men, with a combined 21 years of service to the news organisation, were marched out of the Nine news room in Brisbane by security yesterday (at top) after both 6pm bulletins on Thursday and Friday nights failed to include a single story, with suitable video, of Queenslanders being terrorised in their homes by armed youth crime gangs.

One senior reporter who asked not to be named said both men were reduced to tears in a profanity-laden sacking over loud speaker by Costello from Sydney.

“The news room walls were virtually dripping blue from the language Mr Costello was using,” the bulletin’s state political editor Tim Arvier told us.

“Costello screamed out: ‘We’ve fucking spent months of a nightly reminder to Queenslanders that they have every right to be terrorised and frightened shitless to step outside their homes due to the total lack of protection they are being offered by the present Miles Labor Government over this all-pervasive scourge of growing-and-out-of-control armed teenage crime violence.

Mr Costello added: “I don’t give a flying fuck where you could have gotten some scary video from but, fuck me roan we’ve now got just five and a half months left to get David Crisafulli and the LNP elected!”

Avier told us that Costello then ranted and raved for quite some minutes about how the Steven Miles Labor government was using incumbency to introduce all sorts of voter-friendly cost-of-living measures to try to stay in power.

Costello apparently started losing his voice as he shouted: “Fifty cent fucking train fares from Brisbane to fucking Nambour! “$1000 for apprentices’ tools! A $500 million investment in child education! And there will be more to come!

“These cunts are openly admitting they’re going into fucking deficit for a few years to help people out! Do you think it’s a laid-down fucking misere that we’re going to get rid of these socialist arsefuckingholes without nightly reminders of the woeful state of lawlessness they’ve brought upon Queensland!

“And where the fuck has been the regular reminder of the next Voices for Victims march on Parliament House because Miles has not done a single bloody thing to lower crime?”

Arvier said Costello did find time to praise newsreader Melissa Downes and reporter Ebany Cavallaro who during Wednesday night’s 6pm bulletin talked about tens of thousands of terrified Queenslanders signing a petition for the rights of residents to use more lethal powers against intruders and how one fatal home invasion had “struck fear into the hearts of Queenslanders”.

Costello shouted: “Wednesday night’s bulletin was the perfect template so what the fuck happened the next two nights! Nada. Zilcharonnie. Nilsky! Not one fucking scary piece of footage!

“Do you know if these fucking cunts somehow pull a rabbit out of the hat on October 26, it’ll mean they’ll have governed Queensland for 33 of the 39 years from 1989 to 20fucking28!

“We simply cannot allow this to happen!

“In the state for fuck’s sake that brought us Johannas Bjelke-Petersen and his 19 years of good strong, stable government, that’s for sure, that’s the way, good, strong stable and the rest. Thick and fast! My goodness me, yes.”

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