Australia racist?

Of course we fucking are! Worse than that, though, we’re also as dumb as all get out.

Poor, dear, Laura Tingle is copping a lot of flak for calling Australia a racist country.

She’s spot on, of course, and the supporting evidence I wish to present is all rather basic: it’s how The Voice referendum campaign unfolded late last year. The all-pervasive argument that carried the No debate through to its overwhelming victory on October 14 was that the whole concept of The Voice to Parliament was “racist and divisive”.

Joseph Goebbels would have been proud; accuse your opposition of exactly what you are guilty of!

So in proving Laura Tingle is spot on in declaring Oz a racist country, let’s revisit that campaign by kicking off with that gormless racist numpty, the ex-member for Warringah, Tony Abbott.

Know what his widely expressed argument was from the get-go? That The Voice to Parliament was racist and divisive because … wait for it …. darkies were being offered something that whities were not.

Now we all know that Abbott is, by and large, a blindingly fucking stupid individual and we must all wonder why he has never had his scrawny red budgie-smuggling-covered arse sued off him for the damage he’s done over time to Rhodes Scholarship branding.

But his “what about us whities?!!” argument just about takes one’s breath away, doesn’t it? It’s running on a parallel theme to those racist ignoramuses faced with the #blacklivesmatter hashtag who feel compelled to shout immediately #whitelivesmattertoo and #alllivesmatter.

Oh, shit, I forgot! For 24 hours in Parliament once, Abbott’s side of politics supported a Senate motion from Pauline Hanson on that very notion!

Demanding there be a voice for white Australians is totally and absurdly fucking stupid but, there you are, Tony “Climate Change is Crap!” Abbott fits that bill. Knighthood, Prince Philip?

And just how fucking racist do you have to be to run with that line of thought, considering the many disadvantages faced by first nations people across the spectrum of life markers – health, life expectancy, education, home ownership, secure job opportunities – have been well-known in Closing the Gap statistics over many decades now.

To be fair to Abbott, perhaps he was primarily concerned with the enormous gaps faced in life by his three lovely daughters, especially Francis who a decade ago had, at the very least, some of her university education costs covered by a free $60,000 scholarship thrown her way by one of the Mad Monk’s mates. Them’s the breaks for some.

Where was the mechanism for a non-binding advice to Parliament on the many issues facing those three white daughters, right?

I don’t have all the stats on the Abbott children right now, but they’d be getting on a bit and I just hope they are still alive and getting the health care they need, along with the housing and work opportunities they deserve.

Okay, enough of the smarmy sarcasm. The bottomline: Abbott’s bottom-feeding and absurd arguments simply show what a dreadfully dull and racist cunt he is and always will be.

Let’s make no mistake. You can’t even call Abbott’s ‘where’s the Voice for us whities?” rant dog-whistling. It was a clear, crisp, racist, rallying call to all the fucking racists out there in Australia He knew exactly what he was doing then and deep down he must know the mindless stupidity of it now. If he wasn’t so basically dumb and racist, that is.

And what was the second main theme pushed by the No campaigners and their sycophantic mainstream media buddies?

That Anthony Albanese had dropped the ball on his duties to us all as prime minister; away dancing in the red dirt with his darkie mates and campaigning for The Voice when decent, white, Aussies in our cities’ outer suburbs and regional areas were fighting a losing battle against the crippling cost-of-living crisis.

We repeat: this was not even dog whistling. It was a clear, crisp, clarion racist rallying call to all the fucking racists out there in Australia.

A quick look now at the other racist and divisive arguments thrown about by the No crowd.

That the Uluru Statement from the Heart was not just a one-page document; it was dozens of pages of anti-white, somehow binding, vitriol where darkies clearly wanted to retake from whities ownership of Australia that they have never, ever, ceded.

Once again, this is not even dog whistling! It was a clear, crisp, clarion, racist rallying call to all the fucking racists out there in Australia.

Take it away now, Pauline “there’s not a racist bone in my body” Hanson.

Whities will have to pay to go down and enjoy a sunbath or swim at their local beaches. The darkies will make you pay for that privilege!

Once again, you can’t even categorise the arguments of this bottom-feeding, mindless, red-scared racist as dog whistling. You can hear it loud and sneer. From the woman with an IQ barely capable of maintaining life, here was a clear, crisp, clarion, racist, rallying call to all the fucking racists out there in Australia. She doesn’t need a helluva lot of them to keep sucking on the public teat. She’s as dumb as all get out but never, ever, underestimate her rat cunning. What a cunt.

Let’s hear now from Andrew Bolt.

If The Voice gets up, the darkies will rename Melbourne Naarm, its local traditional darkie name and whities living in the Victorian capital will just have to cop it sweet!

Total nonsense of course that Bolt would acknowledge … if he wasn’t such a bottom-feeding racist cunt, that is. Once again, you couldn’t even call Bolt’s prediction dog-whistling: here was a clear, crisp, clarion, racist rallying call to all the fucking racists out there in Australia.

And let’s not forget the gutless, racist, fucking moron we currently have as federal Opposition Leader, who went along with all this low-rent racist crap. Not having the guts to face any interviews where he might have been asked if he supported the Mad Monk’s “the darkies are getting something that whities aren’t being offered” argument, Peter Dutton just shouted “if you don’t know, vote No” over and over again along with a screeching Michaelia Cash. An amazing tactic from a wanna-be national leader.

So, looking back on The Voice referendum and the No arguments mounted and who they were clearly pitched at – a clear majority of Australians as it turned out mid last-October – is Laura Tingle right in calling Australia a racist country?

You bet your sweet fucking bippy she is! And Australia is exactly that! Racist to billy-O.

But we’re also as dumb as all get out for swallowing the risible, racist rubbish heaped upon us all by those No campaigning cunts and their dreadful, lazy, racist, mainstream-media suckhole toadies.


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