Rage shall not weary Campbell…

… but his words still condemn

Human sloth James Campbell has made a very strong bid (shown above) for the uncoveted The Bug Media Glass House Arse-Licker of the Month of May award.

Anxious to do some coital cleansing of his superiors at Newscorpse Australia and ultimately the cloacas of Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch wherever they might be squatting right now, Campbell thought it a smart idea to write about the fact that Anthony Albanese will turn 64 during the next term of parliament if he’s reelected and – gasp and shock horror – the logic thus flows that he’ll be 67 – if he’s re-elected in the term after that!

Call out the national guard, for fuck’s sake. Stay in your homes, people, and lock all doors.

Of course, the bottom line (sorry!) about all this is that the likes of Campbell and all the other LNP propagandists at Newscorpse must really be desperate if they have to resort to moronic, meaningless, articles such as this effort.

Anyone with a few spare bob to wager might be induced to throw it on the reelection of Labor come the federal poll due in a year’s time, if this is the best the likes of Campbell can throw at the issue.

Has Peter Dutton’s imbecilic devotion to nuclear power stations, along with the grim fact he and his useless LNP have opposed every Albanese government move to lessen the cost-of-living burdens for so many struggling Australian families, mean that making a point that Albanese is getting a little older each and every year is some sort of political master-fucking-stroke?

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