‘Plucky’ GG pick to unsoldier on!

Resolute and plucky. Stubborn even. These are just some of the attributes her friends, relatives and business associates are using to describe Samantha Mostyn’s decision to carry on and accept her appointment as Australia’s next governor-general despite stinging criticism from one of our nation’s leading politics commentators.

Ms Mostyn has copped both barrels from Sky LNP News host Danica De Giorgio (at top) over her “long history of activism”.

“Her CV includes Chair of the Climate Council, Deputy Chair of Diversity Australia, Chair of the Women’s Equality Taskforce,” De Giorgio thundered on her Sky LNPNews Australia program.
“And we discovered today, an anti-Australia Day, pro-Voice supporter, who has previously called January 26 Invasion Day!”

Ms De Giorgio didn’t add this but The Bug suspects she truly believes that any person with any sense of shame would walk away immediately from the offer of Governor-General give those past activities.

“This woman wouldn’t even know how to advance a battalion in review order, know how to swear in a prime minister to a handful of secret ministries, know how to cover up child sexual abuse in a church or know that an under-aged girl was largely to blame because ‘she was asking for it’” is what The Bug suspects Di Giorgio was thinking even if she didn’t say it out loud.

We suspect she also thought this: “We don’t even know if she’s got a husband who can sing? Does she even have a husband? She might be a lezzo!”

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