Giving Birmingham his Jew

Before this second tranche of our Excretas-of-theWeek gets stuck into Simon Birmingham, let’s salute our regular contributor TOM RED (above and below) with his wonderful meme poking fun at the wife of our soon to be ex-Governor-General.

Bewdiful, TOM RED. Simply bewdiful and while we don’t normally do this, we’ve awarded you joint winner of the week with yesterday’s effort from Michael Pascoe.

Now, onto Birmingham’s Zionist rant on the ABC Insiders program on Sunday, which inspired a Bug post yesterday that we’ve linked at the end of this column.

Let’s hear first from Sahar Adatia.

stranger also weighed in on Birmingham’s performance where he blamed Hamas for everything that’s happened in Gaza since October 6 last. We can only assume that interview time restraints with David Speers prevented Birmingham for blaming Hamas for the Covid-19 world pandemic and that bridge collapse in Baltimore.

And before we leave Insiders, normboy562 etc etc poses a question many of us have pondered…

… and Peter Murpy had praise for an ABC staffer who, while he didn’t say this, perhaps should appear more often on Insiders rather than LNP apologists/faux journalists from Newscorpse.

During the past week, some of our Xers got up and personal with their attacks on federal politician past and present.

Dumping on past Liberal prime ministers were amante2, Maggie Emmett and Ceasefire Now, etc etc.

Mike Carlton had the woeful Senator Babet in his sights ..

Robodebt got a few mentions over the past week, and it should always be thus until some politician or public servants get their comeuppance over their roles in that dreadful, fatal exercise in unparalleled government malfeasance and downright evil fuckery in search of some cheap votes.

Here are SharynM and Nancy Cato.

And we’ll finish off with observations of a general nature from two Peters – Peter Murphy once more and Peter – Always was, always will be.

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