
Our Xcretas-of-the-Week judges don’t normally give preference to working mainstream scribes who have a much greater platform than us mere mortals for their thoughts but they couldn’t go past this contribution from Michael Pascoe (at top and below)

Coalition Tea Lady weighed in with similar, very strong, feelings.

Yes, Michael and CTL, The Bug is confident that there’s a whole swag of Australians, hopefully a healthy majority, who are wondering why this nation’s leadership either support or fear Zionists to the extent they do.

Anyway, enough. The other big issue of the week was the crumb maidens of the mainstream mediocre shouting their displeasure on behalf of their male superiors over the appointment of Sam Mostyn as our next Governor-General.

Let’s hear first from Quentin Dempster…

Ah, Mr Dempster. Beautiful words. Empuced Murdoch ranter indeed. Up there with Mike Carlton’s (well, we think it was him) use of “the resident scold” many moons ago to describe Albrechtsen.

ShiannonCorcoran, etc, also rounded on The Australian‘s principal LNP publicist. We won’t offend real journalists all around the nation by calling her a journalist.

Eddy Jokovich, in conversation with Elizabeth Marr, Mimama and Bronwyn Clark also weighed in…

… while the ever creative TOM RED gave us this wonderful meme

TO BE CONTINUED: Tomorrow, Simon Birmingham’s appearance on Insiders leads to much Xcrement being plopped, Robodebt has a timely revisit, some of our worst-ever past and present parliamentarians get dumped on big time and we have an eclectic mix of political thoughts.

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