Exclusive: We talk to Kim Williams

The Bug has conducted an exclusive phone interview with recently appointed Australian Broadcasting Corporation chairman Kim Williams. It’s an amazing exchange and we hope you enjoy the insights on how Aunty may fare under his leadership.

The Bug: Mr Williams, thanks for taking time out of your very busy schedule to talk to us today.

Kim Williams: Your pleasure.

The Bug: We were pleased to see you announce on your arrival in the post that your journalists “must acknowledge the broadcaster’s statutory requirement to be impartial or walk out the door.”.

Kim Williams: That’s exactly right.

The Bug: So why are you continuing to allow those dreadfully biased, right-wing cunts from News Corp to walk in the door and be panellists on Insiders?

Kim Williams: Cunts? That’s a bit harsh, isn’t it?

The Bug: Peter Van Onselen, Greg Sheridan, Paul Kelly, Samantha Maiden, James Campbell,…

Kim Williams: Okay, fair call.

The Bug: You worked for a long time with News Corp Australia helping to transform Fox Studios in Sydney into a profit-making entity for a decade from 2001, before being installed as chief executive at News Corp’s Holt Street headquarters. So you must be acutely aware of the dreadfully unimpartial, anti-Labor, rubbish they pen all the time? They’re not really journalists at all, are they?

Kim Williams: Is that the time. I do have an important meeting to chair soon.

The Bug: Take James Campbell for example. Come the Queensland election in under seven months time, you don’t think that human equivalent of a sloth on valium is not going to be penning front-page Courier-Mail splashes lauding the LNP and slagging the state Labor government relentlessly from his Melbourne bunker, just as he’s done in the past?

Kim Williams: I really do have to dash now.

The Bug: Aren’t the likes of Campbell and the others we’ve mentioned before LNP publicists and Rupert Murdoch arse-lickers rather than journalists so why the fuck would you even think of letting them through the door if you value the basics of professional and balanced journalism so highly?

Kim Williams: We often have Phillip Coorey on and he’s not News Corp.

The Bug: No-one told us you also have a great sense of humour.

Kim Williams: Go to go!

The Bug: Aren’t there enough ABC people to fill the Insiders couch each Sunday other than Greg Jennett and Fauziah Ibrahim of course? Hello, Mr Williams? Are you still there? Hello? Hello?

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