Sacked posts filling slowly

The positions of a number of TV news directors sacked over recent days around the nation are slowly being filled, my spies at various networks tell me.

I believe at least 12 of these people were dismissed across newsrooms at Seven, Ten and even the ABC for ignoring one of the big stories of last Tuesday night, and I refer to Channel 9’s exclusive that the Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson had released a statement wishing Princess Catherine of Wales the very best in her fight against cancer.

Nine News editors who realised the importance of that story, even promoted it earlier in the bulletin (below) before teasingly running the scoop a little later that announced the Duchess of York was “full of admiration” for our future Queen of Australia.

I personally applaud Nine’s news sense. They know their audience is dying – literally – to get their nightly news of Royal Family activities and statements.

I’m reliably informed that the news director at one of Aunty’s metropolitan news rooms (at top) was booed loudly by journalists as he made his way through their ranks with his box of belongings.

I’m told one of them shouted: “You bloody idiot, how on earth did you miss that? Do you know how bad it makes the rest of us look as dedicated professional news gatherers?”

The poor sacked devil shouted back: “We’re only a half-hour bulletin!” but his excuse didn’t wash with his former colleagues who continued to jeer him and sarcastically hand-clap as security officers escorted him out.

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