Are Dutton’s nuclear plans set to bomb?

The answer to that is yes, and the wonderful meme created by Tom Red (at top and below) reinforces that, which is why it’s won favour with our Excrement-of-the-Week judges,

Okay, enough of the nuclear issue for a while. Late xcrement drops into our smelly prize barrel centred on the weekend elections – the general poll in Tasmania and an interesting result in a South Australian state by-election.

The map of Tassie first. Eddy jokovich was interested in the slant given to the outcome by our mainstream mediocre…

… while amante2 focused on Eric Abetz’s arrival in the state’s parliament and what that says about the Liberals generally, while Doug Cameron tried to give Jacquie Lambie some advice.

Mind if The Bug makes a few points here? Premier Abetz in a few months! Sad news for Tasmania and great news for Labor locally and federally. We reckon Premier Jeremy Rockliff is done and dusted after pleading with Taswegians to grant him a majority government. He’s been rebuffed big time and will go. To Doug, always remember that Jacquie Lambie sometimes says things that sound reasonable but she remains a right-wing ex-army jerk. Her “let bygones be bygones” comment after the underhand and nasty things the Liberals tried on with her website shows why Labor had to throw their hands in the air and admit defeat. The Jacquie Lambie Network will always roll over and help keep a Tory party in power.

Witches had this to say on the SA byelection:

Speaking of our old mate David “you can take the lad out of Sky LNP News but you can never take Sky LNP news out of the lad” Speers, here’s the take of Phillip Riley, Janey and Julian Andrew on Sunday’s Insiders.

The news that the Liberals have gone back to Tim “I’m an MP you know!” Wilson to recontest Goldstein sparked this response from Tony Windsor.

Also piling on poor, dear, Timmy were Peter Murphy, Gary Fallon and Michael J. Wyllie.

On Australian politics generally, let’s hear from Rick. Oh, how we hope for Australia’s sake, Rick, that your predictions for the Thug come true!

Okay, three different issues to end up on. Take it away, Mike Carlton, Everald Compton and Coalition Tea Lady!

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