News or septic spews?

Sadly, the answer is the latter!

My fingers remain crossed that the vast majority of you out there in BUGland couldn’t give a flying fuck about the views of Sky LNP News “journalists” on any issue that sparks their condemnation and outrage.

Hint: the issue de jour – sorry, make that just about hourly – is normally politics and it’s normally vehemently anti-Labor Party.

For an organisation that primary boasts it’s a “news” platform, much of its output flows as views from the likes of Peta Credlin, Rowan Dean, Paul Murray, Chris Kenny, Andrew Bolt, Rita Panahi, James Murray, Shari Markson, Janet Albrechtsen …. well, any of these clowns, really, plus more!

And it’s not just Sky LNP News After Dark panellists that carry on like a busted inlet valve at the local sewerage works. Those letting us know their faecal spews before dusk are just as bad as they all desperately tag-team to tell the Australian public what Sky LNP News’s Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch demand they hear.

Here’s just a recent example of what Sky LNP News pumps out online as “news”

Pretty strong stuff, eh? Some LNP frontbencher? Some respected politics academic with a sound track record of calling out the bullshit in Aussie politics? A respected member of the federal Opposition front bench if you could find one?

Nope. It was simply the spew of Sky LNP News host Steve Price. Here’s what he had to spray once you clicked onto this “news” item.

Sky News host Steve Price says changes to stage three tax cuts is a broken promise, and it’s going to “haunt” the Albanese government until the next federal election.
“Coalition still won’t say what they’re going to do when parliament resumes next week,” he said.
The government has come under fire after announcing it will reform the stage three tax cuts as the cost of living continues to worsen in Australia.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has defended the government’s decision, saying it was the “right thing” to do.
However, it was revealed on Thursday that Mr Albanese had been left frustrated that much of the electoral backlash over the changes to stage three tax cuts has been directed his way.”

Here’s another recent The Price is Wrong! moment!

The Australians demanding strong leadership are, of course, Price and his Sky LNP News fellow LNP public relations officers.

Pretending that the views of Sky LNP News “hosts” is news happens all the time. These commentators are clearly LNP publicists who, quite frankly, should be fined under trade practices laws should they even have the temerity to describe themselves as worthy of being called a real journalist’s arsewipe.

Here’s a double take just the other day that appeared on my Bug computer under the Microsoft Start home page that pops up far too frequently on my screen. It’s from Paul Murray, whose opinion I wouldn’t seek on any political issue, let alone whether Steve Smith has a future as our Test opener.

Actually, I take that back. Should Murray ever be visiting my home, I might seek his opinion as to whether he agrees I have a plumbing problem if my toilets are overflowing with shit. Shit is something he’s very familiar with.

Here’s another double whammy from early December. Repeat: This shit pops up on Microsoft Start on my Bug computer like pimples on the face of a teenager going through puberty. Any one else facing this propaganda push?

Shari Markson, for fuck’s sake! If only I could flush her thoughts away with the push of a dunny button.

And this flow of risible, rightwing faecal rubbish is relentless. I could go onto Microsoft Start right now and probably replace all of these with fresh Sky LNP News plugs that will be appearing under its banner today alone.

And it’s not always the spews of Sky LNP News squawking-head hosts. It can be some Institute of Public Affairs nobody with a fancy title or some right-wing politics commentator just about no-one’s ever heard of!

It’s all bullshit from an organisation that has fuck all to do with real news so who’s with me if we take a case to the ACCC, or Fair Trading, or any other body regulating corporate activity in this country, to make the Murdochs’ shitty, laughable, “news” platform use the branding image suggested at the top of this article? This one.

You know it makes sense. Let’s get some honesty back into this nation’s lamentable mainstream mediocre.

Don Gordon-Brown