ABC 7.30 host in hospital


Host of ABC TV’s 7.30 program, Sarah Ferguson, risks losing her right eye after sustaining a serious injury yesterday.

Ms Ferguson remains in the Sydney and Sydney Eye Hospital after being injured during a pre-recorded interview with Opposition Leader Peter Dutton which aired last night. (main picture)

An ABC spokesperson said Ms Ferguson sustained the eye injury towards the end of the interview.

“Producers had taken precautions to avoid Sarah getting injured in any way, mainly by having her and Mr Dutton sit as far apart as possible,” the spokesperson said.

“But watching from the studio control room as the interview was being recorded they could see that the risk of injury to Sarah was growing as Mr Dutton answered each of her questions.

“Unfortunately they could not prevent it when it happened, and to her credit Sarah soldiered on like the true professional she is.

“She insisted on hosting last night’s 7.30 and our expert make-up people disguised her injured eye very well.

“It was after the show ended that we rushed her to hospital where she’s been receiving expert treatment. We hope she’ll be back at her 7.30 desk very soon.

“I can say that she has received some very thoughtful get-well messages from many of Australia’s leading political identities from the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese down.”

The spokesperson said Mr Dutton himself had sent a message to Ms Ferguson in hospital which read: “I always knew you were one-eyed. This proves it.”

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