Murdoch’s latest offensive offensive

News Crap Australia’s ongoing and blatantly unevenhanded coverage of the war in Gaza continues with its latest string of stories about the alleged involvement of some staff of a UN aid agency in the 7 October attack by Hamas on innocent Israelis.

Our Media Glass House researchers would normally suggest that the Murdoch media’s demonisation of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) had reached its peak today with various of its metro turdbloids running yarns questioning the validity of the “$200 million” given to UNRWA by Australia over the past decade. (main picture)

But, as our MGH teams advise, they’re pretty sure News Crap Australia will find some new way to paint the agency and the current Labor federal government in an even worse light as days go by.

They wonder why News Crap Australia chose to tote up a decade’s worth of aid to an organisation which, according to the BBC, was formed in 1949 to work “in Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, caring for the 700,000 Palestinians who were forced or fled from their homes with the creation of the state of Israel”.

The answer, of course, was to get a really big dollar figure and paint the current Labor government in the worst possible light by tarring it with the Hamas brush while also helping the Israeli Government in its longstanding plans to destroy UNRWA.

In doing so, the Murdoch turdbloids ignore the fact that the $200 million figure is shared with the governments of Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, and Scott Morrison.


Our MGH teams also wonder why the Murdoch media isn’t taking a big stick to the USA and other nations who have been much, much bigger contributors to UNRWA.

Again, information from the BBC (below) shows the US pledged more than $340 million to the agency in 2022 alone.

That’s probably more than $3 billion in the same decade in which Australia is essentially being accused by News Crap Australia of funnelling $200 million to fund Hamas terrorists.


Sometimes News Crap Australia’s campaigns attacking Labor can go astray.

The Courier-Mail in Brisbane ran the “Labor equals Hamas” line today but managed to fuck up its headline by suggesting only $20 million in aid to UNRWA had been sent in the past decade. (below)


The Daily Telegraph today runs a story that has our MGH researchers scratching their collective heads.

It’s basically a yarn that translates the value of the land holdings of a number of major private schools in and around Sydney. (below)

It tells readers how much each school would be worth if their sites were divided up for housing blocks and sold at current land values.

The question our MGH teams have about the story is simple: What’s the fucking point of it?


The Murdoch media’s national broadshit The Australian takes pleasure today in publishing a Liberal Party press release disguised as a news story about the appointment of The Guardian Australia’s chief political writer Katharine Murphy to the media office staff of PM Anthony Albanese. (below)

In true Murdoch style the story consists largely of a vicious personal attack by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton accusing Ms Murphy of being a Labor stooge and cheerleader all along, and her new job just confirms it.

Hello Peter? Hello? Have you watched Sky News, in the daylight or after dark recently, or read The Oz or any Murdoch turdbloid any day of the week?

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