Ben strives to be his very best..

…at always been RIGHT!

Okay, our first tranche of Xcretas-of-the-Week yesterday were a massive pile-on of Peta Credlin and her bizarre Murdoch-dollar-driven idea of what constitutes an Australian patriot.

All risible, far-right wing, culture wars-stirring, rubbish, of course, which probable explains why our Xcretas got quite personal with their criticisms of Credlin, who as we all know single-handedly made Tony Abbott the laughing stock of a failed PM that he is today. Yes, we know! Who in their Right mind would give Credlin such a platform after that? Hint: RM are his initials.

But when reviewing other entries from The Bug’s Xcretas of the Week barrel, we did note that sinking the boot big time – and very personally – into the targets of their anger is very, very common. And, of course, all we can say to that is: Well done!

Because that’s exactly what the subjects of our Xcreta rage do. Doubt that? Credlin’s Oz Day essays last week (above) basically said Anthony Albanese hated Australia.

To show what we mean, at top and below, is a meme from Luan, one we think by Lea, about Nine Entertainment Co. shock jock Ben Fordham, who strives hard each day of each week on 2GB to outmatch Credlin for mind-blowing stupidity.

Also on the personal attack were Peter Murphy and Adylady, the latter in conversation with Sahar Adatia, on two of the Coalition’s federal politicians.

And seeing Aunty has been mentioned, here’s Philip O’Leary on a certain ABC morning presenter who The Bug believes has kept her job against all odds.

Barbara Pocock shares her strong views on the stage-three personal income tax cuts, much in the news this morning as this post was being prepared for upload.

Internationally now, and The Emperor’s Old Tailor had some fun after Donald Trump boasted about having a hole lot of friends.

And let’s finish off with a couple from Coalition Tea Lady and her ongoing, witheringly accurate assessment of what’s happening in the Gaza strip.

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