Sealed with a miss?

The column that has fun with the smaller mistakes and missteps of Australia’s mainstream mediocre; that pays homage to those sweet little fishes that individually don’t amount to a full meal but collectively can cause a tummy upset over the overall state of the once great and noble craft of journalism in this country.

Oh, how our compilers at Mediocre Bytes are hoping this is true.

Above and below are a link on the Guardian Australia website about predictions of how climate change and rising seal levels will affect Port Phillip Bay.

Yes, you read correctly …. rising seal levels, a little typo that brought much merriment on X to the likes of beanieflower and others.

So, why the slight doubts among our Mediocre Bytes compilers?

Several years ago, various news outlets were laughed at on Twitter – ah, yes, anyone else out there in BUGland remember that platform with much affection? – for the same silly mistype.

And we checked the Guardian article from this week to see where the mistake was made and spotted. Adeshola Ore’s yarn is “rising seal levels” free.

So, was this week’s Guardian plug for real or was it created to make fun of us all?


Now let’s finish off with a couple from Channel 9 Brisbane’s 6pm news on Monday.

As part of Nine News’ relentless campaign to convince Queenslanders in an election year that youth crime continues to spiral out of control and the state government is doing nothing to fix it, here’s Peter Fegan on the latest car theft: “With no regard for the public, this stolen vehicle weaves in and out of traffic at high speed…”

Well, Peter, we suspect this car also has absolutely no regard whatsoever on whether its tyres were roadworthy, let alone the current state of the the Israeli-Gaza war or whether the Orange Baboon might come back as US president.

And for parents seeking the lowest prices for back-to-school needs, they can at least be hopeful that if they go to the store they used this time last year seeking out such items, at the very least they’ll be in the same aisle.

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