Blink an’ you’ll miss Gaza disaster


Sections of the Biden administration are questioning the value of repeated visits to the Middle East by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during the current war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas.

Mr Blinken is now on his fourth visit to the region since the war broke out following deadly terrorist attacks by Hamas on innocent Israelis on 7 October last year.

Sources within the US State Department have told The Bug’s Washington DC bureau that senior career diplomats are growing cynical of Mr Blinken’s many visits which have made no progress towards ending the conflict or stopping the huge and growing death toll of innocent Palestinians.

“We, as professional and dispassionate diplomats, are entitled to feel cynical and to think that perhaps the Secretary of State is not really trying and may in fact just be going through the motions while allowing Israel to ignore calls for a ceasefire and to continue killing innocent Palestinians,” one senior source said on condition of anonymity.

“Take for example the Secretary’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his latest visit.

“While Mr Blinken was going through his usual spiel Mr Netanyahu just sat at the table wearing earpods and singing to himself. (main picture)

“I’m told the song he was listening to was the 1980s hit Killing an Arab by the UK band The Cure. He appeared to have it on loop.

“He clearly wasn’t listening to anything the Secretary of State was saying, but Mr Blinken prattled on, delivering his usual lines and pretending that he was contributing something positive to the situation.

“If you look at the footage from the meeting it is clear that Mr Netanyahu was patently ignoring Mr Blinken.

“The Israeli PM kept repeatedly playing the song and both audibly and visibly singing along, even tapping his fingers on the table to the beat of the tune he was hearing through his earpods,” the source said.

Vision of the meeting also shows Mr Netanyahu at first failing to hear Mr Blinken’s invitation for him to make a comment for the media in attendance.

After several prompts the Israeli Prime Minister, still wearing earpods, leans into a microphone and – unable to judge the volume of his voice – sings very loudly: “I can turn and walk away, or I can fire the gun. Staring at the sky, staring at the sun.

“Whichever I choose, it amounts to the same. Absolutely nothing,” Mr Netanyahu concluded while slapping his hands in rhythmical beats on the table.

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