Blair stands on his record


Israel has begun a political offensive aimed at changing the currently negative perceptions in the international community about the tactics it is using in its war on Hamas in Gaza.

Central to its efforts is the recruitment of former British prime minister Tony Blair who has flown to Israel at the request of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (below)

Mr Netanyahu has denied his recruitment of Mr Blair is an effort to use the former UK PM’s record and reputation to help sanitise the bombardment of Gaza that has so far cost an estimated 20,000 innocent Palestinian lives.

Shortly after he landed, Mr Blair was taken by Mr Netanyahu to what accompanying media representatives were told by Israeli Defence Force organisers was a Gaza hospital that had recently been “generously renovated by the benevolent IDF”.

During the visit Mr Netanyahu showed Mr Blair one of what reporters were told were “dozens .. no, hundreds, if not thousands of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) Hamas has been storing under the hospital”.

Mr Blair declared that the undisputed presence of WMDs confirmed his long-held belief that Israel had a Far Right to defend itself.

“It’s the same position I took on Iraq back in 2003 – the West had a Far Right to defend itself – and that worked out well for all concerned,” he said.

When questioned why the WMD looked remarkably like a bowling ball with a sparkler inserted in it, IDF officials called an end to the news conference claiming the question was antisemitic.

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