A tag-team Tory effort all round!

If anyone out there in BUGland is still not convinced of the deplorable state of this nation’s mainstream mediocre, we urge you to grab a chuck bucket and take in a couple of segments of Credlin on Sky News over recent days.

Host Peta Credlin tag teams with folk almost as far-right-wing as herself to sprout LNP talking points as they bag Labor for its latest dismal poll performance and what they all see as a disastrous last few weeks of the year for what they all hope and pray is a one-term Labor government.

Here are some lowlights: in the segment depicted above, Credlin shares with Nine Entertainment Co. 2GB shockjock Luke Grant and One Nation chief of staff James Ashby how “diabolical” Labor’s primary vote of 29 per cent is in the latest YouGuv poll.

“You’d want a four in front of that if you could get it,” Credlin shrilled, calling the LNP’s 37 percent primary vote strong and the Greens 15 percent also solid.

Perhaps dropping a big, big, hint that she is a big fan of the Coorey/Uhlmann method of determining election outcomes by completely ignoring the grim reality that Australia has a compulsory preferential system of voting, Credlin completely ignores the fact that if there’s any coalition of parties that needs a four in front of their primary vote, then it’s the LNP which is going to win nothing from 37 per cent primary, a mark reached after about 124 per cent of our MSM declared recent weeks an absolute disaster for Albanese’s mob.

If you want to understand the absurdity/stupidity of the Coorey/Uhlmann method which has no other purpose than to predict hung parliaments and scare votes back to the LNP, even with only 29 per cent primary in YouGuv, Labor sits at 51-49 two party preferred.

Grant and Ashby then join it with their own LNP talking points as to where Labor has fucked up in so many areas. We won’t give them space; they don’t deserve it.

In the other Credlin segment, Credlin tag teams with some woman named Sophie that we haven’t identified yet and can’t be bothered to find out, and Institute of Public Affairs deputy director Daniel Wild. Credlin again bangs on about the 29 primary for Labor in YouGuv and then shows her true colours by calling the Greens’ 15 per cent “worryingly high”.

Worrying high, Peta? You fucking shambles of a pretend journalist pretending to work for a “news” organisation.

In the excitement of pushing the point that Labor might be on a downhill slide “that’s not an outlier and might be a trend”, she then fucks up and calls the 31 per cent primary vote for Labor in the earlier Newspoll as being the government’s own primary figure.

We guess it’s easy to fuck up when you’re sprouting absolute risible, right-wing, shit all the time.

We’d just advise Credlin and her mates not to get too excited just yet about the return of God’s (and if you want to read that as Rupert Murdoch’s, go right ahead!) chosen side of politics and the only parties that have shown themselves since federation capable of providing good, strong, stable government. The next election is a long, long, way away.

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