Fingering Nine News one more time…

… they provide such good material!

The column that has fun with the smaller mistakes and missteps of Australia’s mainstream mediocre; that pays homage to those sweet little fishes that individually don’t amount to a full meal but collectively can cause a tummy upset over the overall state of the once great and noble craft of journalism in this country.

We’ve mentioned before how Nine News Brisbane can sometimes provide the entire inspiration for a Mediocre Bytes column from just one 6pm bulletin.

So let’s roll the tape from Thursday night’s service.

Firstly, we suspect there’s not a single, impressionable, youngster who watches the program so why the bloody hell would you need to blur the vision of a BBC news presenter who accidentally flipped the bird on live TV?

What is so offensive about an extended middle finger anyway? Are we in 21st Century Australia or Mary Whitehouse 1960s Britain?

And as one of our older, crustier Mediocre Bytes compilers observed: “That lassie can stick a finger up my arse anytime she likes!”

Are the same executives at Nine who thought we needed to be protected from such filth the ones who spare us the sight of “shit” by using “s…”?

Step boldly into the 21st Century, Nine News! It’s not as scary as you might think.


Next up was an example (well, sort of; a distant cousin, maybe?) of the old “ATM machine”, “PIN number” and “RAT test” needless duplication of what an acronym stands for. Yep, it’s when graphics use the dollar sign and well as the word dollar.

Here’s Thursday night’s example.

Okay, we might be the only ex-hacks who hate that sort of thing! What are you gonna do about it, huh?


One more? Let’s zip forward to the sports report. You’d think Nine News could afford to hire someone who could spell simple words properly?

Thanks, Nine News Brisbane! You very rarely disappoint.

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