How widespread is this bullshit?

… and what can the Albanese government do about it?

The bitter, washed-up, old hacks who compile this column ordinarily couldn’t give a flying fuck what the likes of Peta Credlin, Andrew Bolt, Shari Markson, Paul Murray, James Macpherson, Careb Bond, Rowan Dean and other Sky News hosts have to spray about anything.

They’re not journalists’ arse wipes and they don’t work for a news organisation so our Media Glass House compilers normally have a good hearty chuckle over their absurd right-wing utterings and then mentally flush them away with no real harm done.

But of recent months, something rather sinister has been happening on various computer screens on the Media Glass House mezzanine level at Bug HQ.

Our compilers all use Google Chrome as their search engine and an awful lot of rancid LNP propaganda has been popping up on their screens when they click onto a new tab.

It’s called Microsoft Start and it invariably has, right up the top, plugs for Sky News that are almost entirely anti-Albanese government. It’s all bullshit that would make Joseph Goebbels blush with pride. At top is a double-whammy from Paul Murray just this morning. Yes, we know. The temptation to pull that mental chain is strong the moment he opens his ignorant gob and his pro-LNP turds start popping out.

Here’s another risible, right-wing double-dip from just yesterday.

We won’t run any more of this bullshit in case you lose your breakfast but trust us: these Sky News plugs on this Microsoft Start platform are raining down with an intensity that the Israel Defence Forces jets would have trouble matching as they clear southern Gaza of Palestinians.

Albanese was played like a fool by China! Albanese is a third-rate politician! Albanese has lost his mojo! Albanese goes overseas far too much! He has really bad halitosis! He scrunches his dunny paper! Say hello to Peter Dutton, our new PM is just 18 months time! That sort of shit.

The Bug‘s Media Glass House is seeking input from you BUGers out there as to how widespread this LNP propaganda bullshit is being seen.

Please don’t get us wrong. The Bug has never given much credence to what Newscorpse has always clearly seen as their ability to sway public opinion with their mindless propaganda. They are in fact hopeless at it, as The Herald Sun in Melbourne and The Courier-Mail in Brisbane have shown themselves to be totally ineffectual in ridding their states of dreaded Labor governments in successive elections.

And it’s because no-one reads papers any more. Likewise, the limited number of brain-dead morons who pay to gobble up the shit pouring out of Sky News make about as much an impression as a fart on a cushion.

So why are we interested in this new Microsoft Start assault? Because the younger generations don’t read papers or watch Sky News or listen to the bullshit pouring out of the gobs of Nine Entertainment Co. shock jocks. Sadly, they are getting their limited politics fix online and there’s just a chance this new activity might require the Albanese government to take a long hard look at it, gauge what damage, if any, it is doing and perhaps have a chat with Google Chrome about their responsibilities to be fair and balanced and professional in what they are allowed to do here.

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