Meme masters make their mark!

Maybe not the two main topics of the past week or so but our Xcreta-of-the-Week judges wanted to honour two great meme masters who played such a vital role on social mediocre countering the sickening LNP/Scott Morrison lovefest displayed by the great bulk of the mainstream mediocre in the 2022 federal election campaign.

Look, maybe we’ve missed recent contributions from Norman David and Tom Red but here we honour them once more … with an attack on The Spud with Dead Eyes and Bruce “I’m a broke and broken man” Bruce Lehrmann (at top and below).

Let’s hope the judge in Lehrmann’s defamation case doesn’t get cranky with us. We don’t think Tom Red is highlighting anything we don’t know, namely that Lehrmann is full of shit.

Staying with that case briefly, here’s Brad Sprigg with a nice little play on words involving Channel 10’s barrister who, given his treatment of Lehrmann, might have been a whale flenser in an earlier life.

Also weighing in were Everald Compton, Antfarmer and a Coalition Tea Lady tilt to a wonderful Skakespeare cartoon (we’d award it next year’s Walkley but it’s probably too early like some Oscar hopes and will sadly miss out) on Lehrmann’s $130,000 worth of rent assistance from Channel 7.

And on the subject of that little helping hand to a shattered and broken man, Pup Fiction provided this pearler.

Mike Carlton had a little discussion with himself about why the Walkley people should have thrown 7’s Spotlight program out of the “scoop of the year” category and who also later slammed their decision to keep it in contention.

By the way, The Bug fully ensorses Carlton’s view. Channel 7 can use all the fucking weasel words it wants about not paying Lehrmann but “paid” him they did. They lied to us. Who did they think they were? A NRL club trying to trick a salary cap?

Separate issue here but one more offering from Mike Carlton before we turn to the Gaza genocide.

As we prepare this post for uploading and the news keeps coming in that many hundreds of innocent Palestinians more have died since Israel “resumed defending itself”, let’s hear again from the wonderful Coalition Tea Lady and Ronni Salt.

Domestic politics now, and the ABC continues to cop a helluva lot of flak. Here’s Sometimes Fed Up – and Jenny Forster, with Rick having a go at the mainstream mediocre in general.

Samantha Maiden and her appearance on Insiders drew the ire of Sahar Adatia and Nannan. on the land of the Worima people.#YES.

And Sahar backed up with a powerful uppercut on Insiders host David Speers for coming to Peter Dutton’s defence with his “Clearly Dutton is not a protector of pedophiles” line.

You know what, David Speers? Pell by his own admission was a protector of pedophiles. We at The Bug reckon we could just about bet our dried up, useless old balls that Pell fiddled his own share of kids. You go to Pell’s funeral and laud the cunt and you’re just as bad as being, at the very least, a protector of pedophiles.

Some final observations on Australian politics and those who think they are fair, ethical and balanced reporters on it.

Here’s amante2 and finally Rachel Withers with some sound advice to federal Labor…

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