Safe seat sought for Lehrmann

CANBERRA: The Liberal Party of Australia’s federal executive here is desperately searching for a safe seat that former party adviser Bruce Lehrmann (above left) can be parachuted into for the 2025 federal election.

“Dead set, this man is a future Liberal Prime Minister,” a senior executive member told The Bug on condition of anonymity. “Who knew before Bruce Lehrmann’s last five days in the witness box during his Federal Court defamation proceedings against the Ten Network and its presenter Lisa Wilkinson that he could lie so fluently and so effortlessly and yet so convincingly well?

“He’s Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison all rolled into one. He’s the real deal.”

STOP PRESS: Top newspaper columnist Palme Parnell McGuinness (below, far right) has advised The Bug that she also agrees Bruce Lehrmann is “very much future Liberal prime minister material”.

“I’m currently penning a piece for next Sunday’s Sun-Herald agreeing that Bruce would be the ideal successor to Jacinta Nampijinpa Price (far right, at top) when she finally decides for whatever reasons her long term in office should come to an end”.

“I would simply urge Bruce to be patient,” Ms McGuinness added. “His time will come but true greatness in Australian politics – and in newspaper column writing for that matter – only comes along ever so rarely.”

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