Toughen up, Premier….

…or piss off!

The Bug’s ranter-in-residence pens an open letter to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Dear Annastacia

So, you think you’re up to the task of winning a fourth term as Premier this time next year?

It’s possible but the first thing you’ve got to do is tell The Courier-Mail, The Sunday Mail and Channel Nine News in Brisbane to go fuck themselves with a rubber hose.

Okay, okay! Settle down. Settle! I know you can do that with far more acceptable and diplomatic language but you’ve got to do it and do it fast. I appreciate a woman pollie can’t do that blokey, Hawkie, thing and get away with it but for fuck’s sake, Premier, take a stand.

If you don’t think all of those media outlets – and then plus some – are determined to see you and Labor gone in 12 months, then maybe you have reached your use-by date. Or you’ve lost your mental sharpness and have forgotten the disgraceful, biased, performance from News Queensland’s shit rags – fucked if i’ll call them newspapers – in particular the past three state elections.

Here’s the rub. Just before you took your recent ill-advised OS trip, Nine’s Tim Arvier was boasting that you gave him an exclusive story. Annastacia, if that’s true, why the fuck would you do that?

Nine’s Brisbane News has basically branded itself as the unofficial state opposition. Only it is committed to bringing down rampant youth crime that is crippling our state and frightening the bejesus out of most, if not all, of Queensland’s residents.

Nine News is the official PR outfit for that Voice for Victims group that continues to shout your government is doing nothing to fix that problem; Nine News agrees wholeheartedly with them and has absolutely no interest in reporting the real facts on the state’s crime rates.

You’ve got to make it clear to Arvier and other Nine reporters that you find the station’s campaign offensive. That overall crime rates have fallen in the Sunshine state and your government is working to address the problems being caused by a small group of recidivist youngsters. That you are mightily offended when Nine as that group’s cheer squad agrees with everything it says, regardless of that group having members who have suffered greatly and who have legitimate concerns that they hold dear. That’s true, but they should be fair and shouting LNP talking points and demanding that you accept everything they want or else is simply not on in my book.

And, dear Premier, you must have been disgusted by the hard work The Sunday Mail put in on October 22 to plug their boy, David Crisafulli (at top). Still waiting for your fair share of a reply with that “newspaper”? Or was The Courier-Mail’s mischievous two-page spread promoting Shannon Fentiman their way of balancing things? Maybe you were happy with that?

While on the subject of those two faux-journalism mastheads, please don’t tell us you still do exclusive drops to either, just like Arvier was boasting about over at Nine? They are not your friends. They deserve no good will from you or any of your team.

Answer their questions nicely at pressers if you must. Personally, I wouldn’t give them the time of fucking day. I’d ignore the cunts and if they tried to ask a question, I’d throw a length of rubber hose their way and, after telling them where to stick it, challenge them to try to be real journalists reporting real facts for a change.

Finally, Premier, please reassure us that you haven’t spent a single cent of government spending with News Queensland for a long, long time, given their role as the LNP’s Bowen Hill branch for all of your Premiership.

If you’re still spending one lousy red cent to them, on the vain and, quite frankly, monumentally stupid hope that the likes of James Campbell will not penning blatant LNP talking points and disgracefully biased anti-you, anti-Labor propaganda come the state campaign next year, then I reckon you really, truly, have lost the fucking plot and should give the game away.

Don Gordon-Brown

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