Ugly brawl delays awards ceremony

A vicious fistfight among the judges of what used to be called The Bug‘s Tweets-of-the-Week awards has meant this week’s ceremony and presentations have been delayed but we’re not sure for how long.

The fight has left two of our judges in hospital suffering from acute alcohol poisoning, forcing The Bug management to slap solid locks of both Bundy-rum and Coke drinks fridges in the judges’ meeting/deliberations room.

The brutal brouhaha broke out during Sunday’s usual judging session when the judges could not decide on what to rename the competition now that the social media platform is no longer Twitter and is not represented by a fluffy blue bird that tweets a lot.

The decision by Elon Musk to change the platform’s name to X as he attempts to lose all of the $40 plus billion he paid for it has, of course, has made our weekly award logo (below) redundant for some months but it was only at the weekend our judges decided enough was enough.

To be fair, though, all our judges thought the platform would have ceased to exist by now. Nevertheless, at top and below are the two designs over which our judges came to blows.

Our judging panel basically broke down into two fairly even groups, with both keen to acknowledge the amazing work Australians on first Twitter and now X have done as citizen journalists undertaking the work abrogated by the nation’s pathetically biased and totally compromised mainstream media.

“We would still have that cunt Morrison as prime minister if the large bulk of the MSM had gotten its way,” one of The Bug’s judges told us from his hospital bed, his jaws wired shut so he couldn’t drink during his recovery phase.

This judge vigorously supported the title X-files for the contributions selected for weekly X-FILE glory in The Bug but added: “I know those titles might sound bland but they do take into account that Xers are just as likely to be praising a media personality or politician as sinking the boot or “tipping the shit” on any number of Newcorpse politics writers and commentators, for example.

“Well, okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration. Our citizen journalists are more likely more often to be tipping the shit from a great height on any number of LNP propagandists masquerading as journalists but I hope you can see the point we were trying to make.

“The judges who were so adamant and arrogant in wanting these citizen journalists to be known as Xcreters and their offerings as Xcrement couldn’t see reason at all so, sure, I might have kinghit one or two of them before a third smashed a Bundy rum bottle over my face.”

The Bug‘s management, guided by any input from our online fanbase during the course of today, will rule on the new logo tonight and this past week’s winner and the best of the rest will be published online on Tuesday morning. We sincerely apologise for the delay and are confident it will happen again.

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