News chief defends pollie titles


A senior executive at Nine News in Brisbane has vigorously defended the job descriptions used in last night’s 6pm bulletin to describe Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Opposition Leader David Crisafulli.

In a story about a shock new poll showing the Labor Government losing even more ground to the LNP, vision of the Premier was shown with the description “PARTY ANIMAL” (at top) while Crisafulli’s title was shown as “PREMIER-IN-WAITING” (below).

A spokesperson for the Nine News executive producer up on Mount Coot-tha said the station’s artists had been instructed to use those titles “as this latest poll shows time is up for this tired, out-of-touch and out-of-ideas government”.

“The figures simply show that Queenslanders have become sick and tired of the youth crime plague that has now infected the entire state and that our reporters have been reluctantly forced to cover night after night now for months.

“I mean it really has saddened us that our promos for our nightly news service have to refer over and over again to the complete inaction by this sadsack excuse of a government over that issue, crime in general and many other pressing matters as well.

“Add to all that the monstrous, shameless, coverup by Palaczczuk and the hopeless, incompetent, Transport Minister Mark Bailey of the massive multi-billion train-build blowout that state politics reporter Tim Arvier has been forced to return to, night and night again, since he first broke that story quite some time ago and is it any wonder that new poll for the Brisbane Times spells disaster for this washed-up mob.

“So, no, we don’t think those monikers we’ve allotted to our two state political leaders are unfair or unreasonable and we’ll continue to use them up to the state poll in October next year.

“I mean, seriously, does anyone out there think Annastacia Palaszczuk has the remotest of interest any more in the day-to-day running of this state? Just look at her face and you can see she’s only thinking about what pretty new dress she’ll buy for her next social shindig with her boyfriend.

“Or that David Crisafulli won’t be a far better state leader – he really is becoming the complete statesman, isn’t he? – and isn’t it a crying shame we have to wait a tick over another 14 months before that can happen?”

The spokesperson for the Nine News executive producer said the monikers selected for both party leaders “were simply relaying to our audience the way things are and it shows we’re still Number One in our commitment to balanced, fair and professional journalism”.

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