Ban the Walkleys?


The Bug completes its tweets of the week picks with a wonderful suggestion from Bee 4 Fadden, aka Belinda Jones, a candidate at this weekend’s Fadden by-election on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

We reckon she’s spot on and why? Even the Robodebt royal commissioner Catherine Holmes gave the vast bulk of this nation’s woeful mainstream mediocre a blast for its lack of interest in her commission hearings, praising just a few journos and media outlets that did the right thing. She also praised the Twitterverse for its interest and coverage.

This is the same MSM that almost universally argued that the return of the Morrison government would be in the best interests of this country. It’s that same large slice of the MSM – Newscorpse – that is already no longer interested in the Robodebt scandal. They’d be printing extra daily editions around Oz if it had been Labor’s deadly blunder.

So, Belinda Jones, well said. All these MSM journos who think they are God’s gift to the craft and sneer openly – we’re thinking especially of you, David “I’m now doing the work of Andrew Probyn as well” Speers – at the work of citizen journalists on Twitter and other online platforms.

Another reason we’re happy to mention Belinda Jones is that some of our aforementioned, biased, unprofessional and dodgy MSM seem incapable of mentioning any other candidate in Fadden except the Liberal who hopes to replace the disgraced and dodgy Stuart Robert.

Before we leave Robotdebt, here’s The Sage, Miss Polly backing up from yesterday and Ewart, Dave, who perhaps had Gladys “Porkbarreling’s OK ‘cos everyone does it!” Berejiklian in mind when composing his thoughts.

Finally on RC issues, Phillip Adams makes a short, sharp and effective point. Ah, the media frenzy that would have erupted for years if Labor had ownership of the illegal, unfair and deadly Robodebt scheme, right, Phillip? Right, Belinda Jones up Fadden way? Hope you do well on Saturday. Let’s mash The Spud.

Now, let’s raise our voices about The Voice! Our tweets judges did enjoy this rogues gallery of No supporters provided by Van Badham. Really makes you want to vote Yes early and often come the referendum date later this year, doesn’t it? What a disgraceful pack of racist, simplistic morons.

Famous retired scribe Tony Koch belted Warren “As a mine owner I have enough trouble dealing with my local mob!” Mundine around the chops while Amante2 pondered who on earth would be capable of deciphering anything Pauline “Let me try to explain!” Hanson wrote on the issue.

Enough of the serious stuff! Ivan Hanna … #SitDownBoofhead gets a guernsey for having a dig at Royalty and that Union Jack that blights our national flag, a pet hate of The Bug.

and let’s finish with a laugh and by that we mean Tony Abbott! Take it away Pup Fiction!

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