For whom the Pell tolls

Would anyone mind if I added my own heartfelt contribution to the passing of Cardinal George Pell?

No? Good. Then here we go. George Pell …. rot in hell, you dreadful, despicable, lowlife cunt!

Too harsh?

This is the guy who said back in the early 2000s that abortion was a worse sin than priests being up to their nuts in choir-boy guts (below). True. God’s rightful wrath would rain down on despairing Catholic girls looking for solutions after falling pregnant because their church opposed any form of contraception. Every little sperm is sacred.

Too harsh?

Pell was the guy who, with nary a blush, told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that he wasn’t all that interested in the kiddy-fiddling activities of his fellow priests and unChristian brothers. The Commission was scathing about his protection of those paedophiles, sending them packing to somewhere else to continue their kiddy-fiddling. It’s why Pell’s reputation today is justifiably much shittier than those priests’ cocks were back then.

Too harsh?

Pell was the guy who largely structured the church’s response to systemic kiddy abuse, all aimed at protecting the church’s reputation and finances. To Pell, the church always came before caring for children.

Too harsh?

Pell was the guy whom a jury of 12 found guilty of his own kiddy-fiddling activities, a decision upheld by a higher court but then overturned by a black-letter High Court on what many described as a technicality.

Many others saw it for what it was. That the law favours the rich and infamous. The High Court virtually ditched the jury system, found fault in the evidence of a complainant that the jury found to be honest and believable, and instead agreed with Pell’s peers, supposedly on the bizarre assumption that kiddy-fiddling doesn’t go on in Catholic churches because clergy wandering around a cathedral’s little secret places would have discovered such activity if it had.

Too harsh?

Can I be blunt. I and many others wouldn’t be ranting on like this if not for the fact that so many church leaders and right-wing politician and media nutjobs are out there right now portraying this despicable lowlife cunt as a living saint and one of the finest men of the cloth that God in His infinite wisdom ever blew breath into.

It’s why I decided on Twitter yesterday to offer a translation service to all those who were coming out to laud Pell, especially one Melbourne chap of the cloth who thought Pell was very good.

Too harsh?

I don’t think I’ll ever understand the strength of conviction of those Catholics who blindly put their core faith before clear facts; their religion before the rights of kids not be be fucked up the arse by blokes who aren’t allowed to fuck women. Note: Pell abhorred homosexuality. Real homosexuality, that is: man-on-man vegemite drilling. The real chocolate cha-cha! Not some harmless boys church camp tent cock-sucking or hide-the-sausage fun and associated water sports.

So I say to all those who might want to see the Catholic Church recover from the Pell era and the shameful findings of that royal commission: SHUT THE FUCK UP!

To the Mad Monk Tony Abbott who called Pell “a saint of our time”: SHUT THE FUCK UP!

To Joe Hockey who called Pell “a man of great integrity” … SHUT THE FUCK UP!

To all those spiders crawling out from under rocks to laud the self-confessed paedophile protector … SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I’m not sure whether Andrew Bolt has said anything yet but just to be safe … SHUT THE FUCK UP!

They should all shut the fuck up and ponder why ABC News Breakfast felt the need this morning to end news items on Pell’s passing with the numbers of Lifeline and other help agencies dedicated to helping child sexual assault victims.

That is Pell’s legacy.

Pell almost makes me want to believe in Hell; it’s where the lowlife despicable cunt deserves to rot for eternity along with his good mate paedophile priest (is that a tautology?) Gerald “You’ve got to punch a freckle or two!” Ridsdale.

Don Gordon-Brown

PS: Since uploading this rant, I’ve read somewhere that the High Court had in fact ruled that the complainant’s evidence in the Pell trial was truthful. If so, I am appropriately bewildered. – DGB.