News Crap defines its serious debate

The Liberal and National coalition parties and their ad agency News Crap Corporation were puffed up with faux outrage in recent days when some federal Labor MPs dared to post to social media a few light-hearted memes poking fun at Peter Dutton’s alleged “policy” on nuclear power.

The right-wing parties and their far-right wing publicists claimed they were outraged because Labor’s response was “lightweight” when what was need was a proper, serious public debate on nuclear power.

Our Media Glass House researchers have noted that comment pieces in Murdoch media turdbloids over this weekend give us all some idea of what News Crap Australia defines as a proper and serious debate. Here’s a sample…..

Hmmm, there’s a distinct common theme in this so-called “proper” debate on a shoddy, largely fact-free so-called “policy”.


While a lot of the supposed serious public discussion on nuclear power in News Crap Australia outlets has centred on the Liberal Party after its leader Peter Dutton unveiled his “policy”, the National Party got a look-in this weekend with a full-page ad created by Vikki Campion. (below)

The reader of The Bug will recall that Ms Campion is an ex-National Party staffer, and partner of former National Party leader Barnaby Joyce and her columns are usually reheated versions of the junior Coalition partner’s talking points.

As usual, News Crap Australia saw no need to advise readers of Ms Campion’s vested interests in the public discourse.

Ms Campion’s column fitted perfectly News Crap Australia’s preferred criteria for a serious proper public debate by declaring about Peter Dutton and his “policy” on nuclear power: “This is why he must be Australia’s next prime minister.”


As part of News Crap Australia’s advertising strategy for Dutton’s “policy”, Murdoch turdbloids on Saturday carried a big spread telling the story of a number of small business operators in the UK town of Bridgewater who’ve experienced a boom in their income as a result of the construction of Britain’s latest nuclear power plant. (below)

The item mentions very much only in passing that the Hinkley Point nuclear plant was initiated by the government of Tony Blair – he left office in 2007 – and its price tag has leapt from A$50 billion to A$63.7 billion in the past eight years.

The figures may help Peter Dutton when he decides to release any real and essential acts about his nuclear power “policy”

Our MGH teams think readers of Murdoch’s turdbloids in Adelaide might have been a tad confused if they had read Saturday’s item and then saw this piece in today’s edition of The Sunday Mail.……

It’s actually a story about an internal brawl at the Port Adelaide AFL club after its Port Power team was thrashed by the Brisbane Lions yesterday.


It’s good to know that the Murdoch media’s criteria for sound and sensible public debate extends to discussion of the Israeli Government’s genocidal campaign against Palestinians in Gaza.

Right-wing hack James Campbell filed the item below after being taken on what we presume was an all-expenses paid visit to Israel by an Israeli lobby group.

As usual, the headline is an attack on the Labor Party since Campbell argues that the way Australia has voted at the United Nations on recent resolutions linked to the conflict actually boost Hamas.

Our MGH teams suggest that argument has as much integrity as Peter Dutton’s nuclear power “policy”.


Finally, some among our MGH research staff recall when page three of a turdbloid newspaper was adorned with big pics of very attractive – sometimes barely clad – young women.

Others recall when the page was regarded as the second most important news page after the front page and carried very serious stories.

Yesterday’s edition of the News Crap Australia turdbloid in Sydney, The Saturday Telegraph, carried a big picture story on page three about a young model. (below)

The Saturday yarn was actually just a very large pointer to a story appearing in the colour magazine of today’s Sunday Telegraph.

So in many respect the Saturday edition did achieve the best of both worlds – a picture story about an attractive young women that was also clearly a News story.

Murdoch turdbloids around the nation also found space in their news pages for the same yarn, just not on page three.

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