Is this shit rag headed for the crapper?

Talk about taking one for the team! One of the bitter, washed-up, old hacks who compile this column spent some time yesterday putting s fine-toothed comb through the Wednesday hardcopy edition of The Courier-Mail.

Wait! Hold the fuck on! Of course we didn’t pay for it. Do we look that fucking stupid? Okay, ignore that. Let’s move on. Jesus, everyone loves a cheap shot these days.

It was a free copy hanging around at the Hoppy’s car-wash place in Bowen Hills and despite the place being chockas with clients all with a good hour-plus to wait, our hack was the only one who seemed remotely interested in giving the paper the once over.

And here are the results. In a book of 56 pages, he counted about 7.5 pages of paid advertising – about 13.4 per cent. That’s assuming Stan paid the full amount for their full-page ad and he also very generously also allowed two pages of classifieds, even though there’s clearly a lot of house ads splashed over that spread. Ah, those rivers of classified gold reduced to a stop-start, old bloke’s, piddle.

The bottom line? The MGH suspects this particular issue was a solid loss-leader for Newscorpse Australia.

It will presumably be even more so once the reported 40 per cent reduction in sales staff takes place across the organisation’s Australian mastheads. They might save a bob with fewer ad reps but surely that will also mean fewer ads sold?

Do we at The Bug and the MGH give a flying fuck if the week-day print editions of this shockingly biased, pro LNP shitsheet, go under sooner than later.

Not one! We might half-care if the people behind The Courier-Mail had the slightest interest in putting out a product that provided balanced, fair journalism on local, state and federal politics but that fucking ship sailed a long, long, fucking time ago.

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