NACC still being naccered!

The recent horrendous home goal by the National Anti-Corruption Commission – the senseless trashing of its brand by refusing to take any further action over Robodebt – continues to feature widely in material dumped into The Bug‘s smelly Xcrements-of-the-Week barrel.

And why not? In this second tranche of our selected Xers, we have decided to highlight just some examples of the material still flooding in. The two (above and below) are from Crikey, referencing an excellent article from @marquelawyers, and from multi-Walkley award winning retired journalist and media hall-of-famer Tony Koch (above and below).

And has there ever been a clearer, clarion-call for action, than this from Everald Compton.

The Bug, along with countless others, continues to wonder if Robodebt royal commissioner Catherine Holmes is now blaming herself for naivety – indeed, even possible stupidity – for thinking NACC was the perfect body to send her sealed section of names (presumably ministers and senior public non-servants) for possible action over what is now widely accepted as this country’s greatest example of malfeasance by a federal government who used an illegal scheme they knew to be illegal to hound innocent Australians to an unknown number of early graves.

Okay, enough already. That’s the last you’ll be hearing from us on that particular issue until next time. NACC – what a fucking waste-of-time joke you’ve turned out to be!

Any weekly look at The Bug‘s Xcrements-of-the-Week would feel naked without some Xcretal drops about the ABC’s Insiders program in particular and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in general.

Before we hear from some of our entries, did we really hear David Speers argue that Peter Dutton couldn’t be blamed for the Coalition’s nine years of inaction on climate change? A very senior member of the Turnbull and Morrison governments and who now wants to be PM by ditching the Paris 2030 climate target can’t cop the ongoing blame for that, Speersie, mate?

Glenn Gibson and Allan Green both came to the conclusion that Sunday’s Insiders guest Foreign Minister Penny Wong wiped the floor with said host David “You can take the boy out of Sky News but you never really ever take Sky News out of the boy!” Speers.

Keep it Real had a more general observation as to that program, while Margie Jones took a much wider picture, which The Bug totally agrees with. With which The Bug totally agrees? We never done senior English.

Before we leave Aunty behind, here’s Don Weston on the wonderful Laura Tingle. (BUG aside: it says much about the state of our woeful mainstream mediocre that we’re forced to praise Tingle for just doing the competent, professional job we should expect from any MSM scribe, apart from all those who suck up Rupert Murdoch’s arse, that is)

On general political issues, we heard from the ever prolific amante2 and Hardy World…

… and we’ll finish off with the stoush that has erupted between Robert Irwin and Pauline “there’s not a single racist bone in my entire body!” Hanson. Take it away, David Marler!

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