The AirBus Albo mob missed this flight!

There’s probably not a single Sky LNPNews host – and there are plenty of them in the daylight and after dark – who have not taken a pot shot or 10 at “AirBus Albo” over his jet travel these past few years.

Ditto for columnists at Newscorpse’s print-media rags and, of course, the Nine Entertainment Co. radio shock jocks such as Ben Fordham.

And yet they all appear totally uninterested in the news that has been awash on The Bug’s X sites, namely that Peter Dutton had allegedly slugged taxpayers $23,000 for a private jet to get him to a Gina Rinehart/Newscorpse function in Tamworth where he spoke …. wait for it …. about the cost of living pressures facing average Australians. At top and below are just three X posts about the flight.

So, what’s going on here? Why aren’t all the news outlets mentioned above, known for being totally fair and professional in their journalistic endeavours, giving Dutton a right-royal serve here?

Oh, okay. We just spotted the problem. Silly us.

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