Dutts cops a thorough coating!

We begin this second tranche of The Bug’s Xcrements-of-the-Week with the far-from-surprising news that Peter Dutton copped quite a coating of shit from Xers this week just past.

He got plopped on over three issues; his backtracking over Paris climate-change targets, his nuclear power plans, and the usual dollop of dog-whistling over immigration thrown in for good measure.

A meme our judges got a good chuckle over was the one offered (at top and below) by Revardin. A man out of place and out of time indeed!

Let’s hear first from Wazza from Melbourne, referring to a Niki Savva article on Dutton’s tactics, generally.

And seeing Dutton seems hellbent on ensuring the LNP will not get back a single seat lost to the Teals or other independents in 2022, let’s hear from Monique Ryan and then Doug Cameron and Mike Carlton.

At the weekend, the news was also awash with news about Peter “I did not lay a finger or a fist on that man” Costello.

Take it away, Peter Klages and Joe2: Woke & proud of it,

Now for Newscorpse. We at The Bug are still shaking our head over the recent splash from The Australian, highlighted in an X post from Aaron Smith. Let’s simply repeat what Aaron said: How is opposing the ongoing killing of 1000s of children anti-Semitic?

What a disgraceful “statement of fact” heading from a truly shit pretend newspaper.

Andrew Mercado also paid out on Newscorpse….

And let’s finish up with some other observations about the ongoing genocide in Gazza … a double up from Mike Carlton and a triple treat from Coalition Tea Lady.

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