Morrison hears voices from above….

… so let’s hope he hears these as well!

To kick off our second tranche of Xcrements of the past week, let’s hear from amante2 (above and below) who no doubt speaks for the vast majority of thinking Australians of the horror we all share in knowing we once elected a prime minister who hears voices from his own particular, depraved, magic sky daddy. Horror and embarrassment indeed, amante2.

Before we leave Morrison alone to fret at the sight of his religious tome crowding out remainder bins at religious bookstores throughout the US, let’s hear from Peter Lalor and Aaron Dodd, Contrarian.

STFU and FO indeed! And, please, stay the FO’d.

On the ongoing genocide in Gaza by unconvicted war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, strong words, indeed, came from Coalition Tea Lady and Doug Cameron.

Back on home soil, after quite a long break, Newspoll finally lobbed on Sunday night and our judges were mightily impressed by the efforts of The Australian‘s Simon Benson to, as Phillip Riley so charmingly put it, polish a turd!

Antfarmer had similar views about the turd polisher while bradpsychology shared the poll results with his X base while taking an almighty swipe at current Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.

An edition of The Bug‘s Xcrements-of-the-Week rarely goes by without strong comment about the ABC’s Insiders program and Laura Tingle’s appearance on the couch last Sunday sparked many responses, including from Marie Coleman AO PSM who strongly backed Tingle’s powerful rebuke to Dutton’s attempted impersonation of Pauline Hanson sans red hair. Or any hair for that matter.

stranger also took a huge dump on Dutton over that issue….

…while Alex McLeod made a very valid arse-wiping point.

GregMarSci had fulsome praise for Tingle while Sahar Adatia xcreted on how few reliable, professional journalists were available for the Insiders panel each and every week.

And getting down low and personal with Insiders host David Speers were J K andJayJay

And let’s finish with another contribution from the wonderful TOM RED on what was the issue we covered in yesterday’s first tranche of our weekly Xcrements – the abject stupidity of Gina Rinehart in complaining about a couple of unflattering portraits of her in the National Gallery of Australia.

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